FAQs > Koda vs. Koda

On this page we have collected all the questions that have been asked so far with short, clear answers in order to explain and clarify as much as possible.


Gameplay | Koda vs. Koda – Battle of the traits(4 questions)

Mint a utility token (NFT) | Koda vs. Koda – Battle all (4 questions)

Otherside Data / Koda data (3 questions)

Gameplay | Koda vs. Koda – Battle of the traits

Who is the Koda vs. Koda Battle for and why?

Bored Ape / Mutant Ape Holder are very often also Koda Holder. And all Koda Holders are definitely the target group for the ingenious games "Koda vs. Koda - Battle of the traits" or "Koda vs. Koda - Battle all".

The question "WTF is a Koda" is asked over and over again, already more than 1,000 times, and we have already prepared the Koda decoupling some time ago. In this process, we came up with the brilliant idea of developing something for the community, i.e. the "Koda fam", to give this question the appropriate space to deal with it playfully and intensively.

Why is my Koda exhausted and needs some rest?

Your Koda had 20 battles in the last hours. Let's give him a little rest. 💤 We think 7 hours (420 minutes) should be enough for him to regain his strength!

BOOSTING is the solution for tired Kodas

If you use Boosts your Koda is on Steroids. Fight 20 Kodas at once without getting 🥱tired. Boost your KodaFart score & get on Top of the Leaderboard Powered by ApeCoin.

All details about Boosts are here.

How does the scoring work and how can my Kodas win?

Each Koda can fight against any other Koda. All the traits etc. are compared and the better one wins the battle. The Battle Winner gets a KodaFart. The best Kodas in the Leaderboard will be rewarded. You need to find other Kodas which your Koda can win against!

What makes my Koda trait better than the other Koda trait?

Each trait has a rarity, as with all other NFTs. The lower the supply of each trait, the better it is. The Koda has then e.g. an epic WEAPON with a supply of 1/12. Some Mega Kodas have also Legendary traits, thus 1/1s.

Depending on the specific rarities, these are displayed per trait. Legendary - Supply 1/1 Epic - Supply 1/2 - 1/14 Rare - Supply 1/15 - 1/30 Uncommon - Supply 1/31 - 1/55 Common - Supply 1/56 and above

Mint a utility token (NFT) | Koda vs. Koda – Battle all

What is a Koda vs. Koda - Battle all exclusive & individual utility token (NFT)?

Comparing traits is boring. The gameplay of Koda vs. Koda makes it more than fun. A single Koda attacked all 9,999 other Kodas in a virtual battle and was victorious at the shown win rate. This collection encapsulates the strength of the Kodas, celebrates the Koda fam and shows the exciting road ahead. Compeat with the traits of all 9,999 Kodas at once by minting this exclusive & individual utility token (NFT).

The game or the exclusive & individual utility token (NFT) is not affiliated with Yuga Labs or Otherside and acts as an unofficial source of fun based on public information.

How many utility token (NFTs) can there be?

There are 10,000 Kodas, so there can only be a maximum of 10,000 utility tokens (NFTs).

How much will the utility token (NFT) cost?

Normal price (everyone) ➡️ 0,05 Ξ

With decent KodaFarts you get discounts: · 50+ KodaFarts get a discount of 25% ➡️ 0,038 Ξ · 100+ KodaFarts get a discount of 50% ➡️ 0,025 Ξ · 555+ KodaFarts get a discount of 100% ➡️ 0,0 Ξ FREE MINT!

There are the following requirements to mint: · ETH for minting the utility token (NFT) · ETH for gas

What utility do i get with an utility token (NFT)?
  • Custom NFT Artwork with trait battle results

  • Your Koda rank from 1 to 10,000

  • Individual webpage** dedicated to your Koda Example: https://koda.zebra-alpha.xyz/6845 ** Activated right after the mint

In addition to the primary benefit available for each utility token, there is an exclusive benefit later that depends on your Koda and the collected KodaFarts to use more benefits.

Stay safe

Never share your private key or seed phrase with anybody! Never connect your wallet/MetaMask to websites you don't know! Only trust information published on the zebra websites (koda.zebra-alpha.xyz) or on the official zebraAlphaMeta Twitter account Only buy or sell zebra utility token (NFTs) at the official collection page! https://opensea.io/collection/koda-vs-koda-battle-all

Otherside Data / Koda data

Where did all the data for the "Koda vs. Koda - Battle of the traits" come from?

The zebra Team collect tons of data, graphics, details, rumors and theories from all over the web about Kodas and make them accessible for the community through a clean and intuitive user interface. This tool is not affiliated with Yuga Labs or Otherside and acts as an unofficial source of public information.

Why was this Koda Battle developed?

We've developed a gigantic "Koda vs. Koda Battle" that involves all 10k Kodas. Anyone can play against anyone. No one can escape! There will be points (KodaFarts) and for each battle won the Koda will receive a KodaFart. The games "Koda vs. Koda - Battle of the traits" and "Koda vs. Koda - Battle all" invites all Koda owners to participate in order to shorten the days until the Third Trip and, of course, to deal intensively with the Kodas and their traits afterwards!

What is the purpose of the Koda battle?

Have fun and engage with the Kodas and their traits is the basis idea.

Last updated