🕹️KvK | Battle of the traits

Battle of the traits! Here we describe all details of the "Koda vs. Koda – Battle of the traits" game so that you can start right away. WTF is a Koda? LFG!

Your Koda (Attacker) is on the 👈 left side! You can quite simple select a Defender (another Koda) on the 👉 right side.

You can set the 👈 left (your Koda) and the 👉 right side (1) with a Koda ID . If both Kodas are defined, the BATTLE can begin! Press the "Trait" button (2) to define a Battle with a Koda, for example with your "HEAD" or your "WEAPON" (3)

(if available)!

After each battle, the result can be easily tweeted to the Koda Fam.

Just click the "Tweet" button (1) .

The Battle winner is highlighted with the shining star (2) in the background.

Press "NEW BATTLE!" (3) to start the next Battle with another Koda.

The Holder data with the PFP (4) (BAYC/MAYC/etc.) and his Twitter handle can be defined very soon! The Koda name (5) can also be set very soon by the Koda Holder itself!

You define the Kodas via a Koda ID .

We think most Koda holders know their Koda ID. If not, this can be looked up e.g. at OpenSea!

Screenshot OpenSea >> Tab >> Attributes Otherdeed #99005 / Koda ID 2360

Press "NEW BATTLE!" (1) to start the next Battle with another Koda.

Rarity of the traits (2) + (3) Head, Eyes, Core, Clothing and Weapon Depending on the specific rarities, they are displayed per trait.

  • Legendary · Supply 1/1

  • Epic · Supply 1/2 - 1/14

  • Rare · Supply 1/15 - 1/30

  • Uncommon · Supply 1/31 - 1/55

  • Common · Supply 1/56 and above

Look at the location (4) of the Koda (its Otherdeed) on the OTHERSIDE map! The Owner of the Koda (5) is shown here!

Edit the Koda Holder data.

You can also integrate your PFP (Profil picture) like Bored Ape (BAYC) / Mutant Ape (MAYC) / Kennel (BAKC) via Token ID and your Twitter handle.

The most successful PFP NFTs so far arrived in April 2021. The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) collection, created by Yuga Labs. This data is optional, but great for the BAYC community & Koda fam, so there is also an owner behind every Koda.

Available Battles
  • Head

  • Eyes

  • Core

  • Clothing (if your Koda has one)

  • Weapon (if your Koda has one)

  • Sediment ()

  • Location

Last updated